The Wilderness Downtown

The Wilderness Downtown

If anyone hasn't seen this, check it out. It's a pretty mind blowing blend of video and artistic programming. 


Apparently this has been floating around Facebook for awhile now but as I'm one of the few Facebook holdouts remaining, I'm the last to know. If this little bit of web goodness is old news to you, kindly disregard. I think it's pretty cool though. 

Alice & The White Hair, 5D Mark II Film

Alice & The White Hair, a 5D Mark II Film

Alice & The White Hair A Film By Wyatt Denny from David Myrick on Vimeo.

I found this cool Canon 5D Mark II film by Wyatt Denny and David Myrick and thought I'd pass it on. It's a very experimental and graphicky piece with lots of beautiful lighting effects and bright, saturated colors. It reminds me of some of the content they used to show at ResFest years ago. You remember Res? That was a really great publication and I was sad to see it go. The  size and price of the Mark 2 makes it extremely attractive to these kind of DIY, experimental productions. The camera is infinitely mountable and with readily available painterly lenses like the Canon L Series primes, you can create some very high production value on a very modest budget. Righteous.