Canon Delivered

Canon Delivered

In a surprise move from a large, international corporation, Users had a list of features they wanted, and Canon listened. Sort of (APS-C?). It's still not the camera I was hoping for. I'm waiting for the TRUE HDSLR - a camera that is fully committed to both shooting stills and video while compromising neither. Basically what RED has promised the Scarlet/Epic will be. The 7D is a stills camera with some really great video features but it's still not the camera that I think we'll have sometime in the near future. I'm stoked for the 7D but can't wait for the full frame version which will be the next iteration of the 5D Mk II. Read this guy, HD Warrior's post. He's got some good points. I think it's easy to get caught up in the hype and not take a step back and actually evaluate what this thing can and can't do. Nonetheless, it's a tremendous step in the right direction and if you want to see some truly awesome images of HDSLR's in action on professional sets, I recommend you follow Rodney Charters (DP of 24), on Twitter. From a technology standpoint, this is where we're heading and I'm loving it.