Repost: ACES - what you need to know

Repost: ACES - what you need to know

October 25, 2012

Finally, a real guide to ACES. 

via Quantel >>>


The Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES) is an initiative from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) that delivers a standard, future-proof color space. ACES enables consistent color rendition in pipelines including any combination of ACES compliant cameras, processing and display devices both now and in the future.

This document introduces ACES and details how Pablo supports ACES and integrates into ACES pipelines.

The need for ACES

Until recently moving a project between facilities often resulted in color changes caused by different display devices or even a number of the same devices calibrated differently. Also a creative look developed in a project would view differently when played on new display devices. This is a fact of life in many workflows today and results in much time and effort spent to cope with these color issues.

Additionally there are new display devices appearing all the time. Flat panels, projectors and laser imaging devices all have different colorimetric properties and the list keeps growing. Program producers quite correctly want to future-proof their projects and retain their artistic vision on any future display device.

ACES is designed to eliminate these issues making high-end post more efficient today and allowing easier use of content in the future on new display devices.

Enter ACES

At the core of ACES is the concept of a universal RGB color space with a wide dynamic range. The ACES color space has the following properties:

R, G and B have specific colorimetric values that exceed the human visible range •Colors are saved as intensity values (scene referred brightness) - no gamma or log is pre-applied

A high dynamic range for brightness – more than film or digital can provide today • All inputs are coded to fit correctly into this space so all cameras pointing at a scene should give the same ACES images

Color values are held at high precision as 16-bit data



on 2012-10-25 18:34 by Ben Cain

Now if Quantel would release a similar guide to DCI-P3...